White Dragon Speaks 1

Of Time and Place:

Sugarite State Park, Raton, NM.  Late afternoon on June 30, 2018.  We just returned from a walk to the abandoned coal mines that are one of the main features of this beautiful park.

I sit in the shade of our campsite listening to the whispering breeze on the hot summer day when I feel a beautiful, strong energy come forth.  She whisps around my energy field awaiting my permission to communicate via my heart center.  “Permission granted, benevolent one. I am present,” I send out from my heart.

Message from White Dragon:

“Yes, let us chat. It is time to celebrate for the dragons are coming to Earth!”  White Dragon tells me from the ethers.  She has come to Earth in the form of a painting; she is embedded within the painting; her energy is channeled through the painting.  This painting, along with many others, was created upon request of the Dragons by seer, mystic, channel James Jereb.  The White Dragon painting is now cared for by friends who completely know and trust her Word.  She comes to them in meditation.  She had asked them to bring crystals to her to be activated with her energy.  One they were instructed to gift to me on Summer Solstice, and so they did.  I am honored. It is heart shaped. Coincidentally, she now comes to me as a knowing through my heart chakra.  Yes, I hear my readers and agree that there is no such thing as coincidence.  And so it is.

White Dragon is asking for my assistance.  She knows many people are curious about the dragon energy they are feeling.  She believes I can assist in aligning these people with their dragon allies.  She believes I can provide the message, the missing information really, that will allow people to understand the reason and purpose of these dragons coming to planet Earth.

If you are being visited by a dragon, or dragons, have no fear.  They are benevolent creatures here to assist humanity.  If you feel dragon energy, you are one who was chosen to assist them in their work.  Actually, prior to being born into human form, you agreed to being dragon friendly. So, again, have no fear for it is all prearranged.

I am hearing a hundred questions from our readers.  Why dragons, why coming to Earth, where from, how can I help, how are they helping, and so on. (Some questions are steeped in fear so I choose to not quote them because to do so brings that energy into this conversation.)  As is the way of dragons, White Dragon hears the questions, benevolently feels our anxiety, and wrathfully says “In Time.”  In time we will cover all these questions.  First, she has a message to convey.

I sit peacefully and allow the message to filter through my heart to my hands.  Suddenly I feel Pure Love.  She is pouring extreme levels of love through me onto this page.  All who read can close their eyes now and feel.  Truly allow yourself to feel the LOVE from the Dragon nation.  (go ahead, you deserve it.)


Okay, once you’ve received the LOVE that is embedded into this text, you may continue.


If you haven’t already guessed, White Dragon’s message is not words.  To my pleasant surprise, her message today is energetic.  She wants, she needs every human to fully comprehend at every level of your Being that dragons are here because of Divine LOVE. They are bringing unconditional, benevolent, Divine Love back to Earth.  Period. No joke.  One thing you will come to realize about dragons is that they are very, very serious.  Yes, they can have fun, but even then they are serious about the intent.

White Dragon would like to thank you for your attention and for your trust.  We will chat again soon.

With the deepest of Divine Love,  White Dragon channeled.

** If you have had experiences with dragons recently, please let us know by leaving a comment.

With loving intentions,


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