Aho Defined

Quick Summary 

I end each post with the word “Aho.”
What does it mean?
It means “It is so.”

Deeper Dive

I was introduced to the word Aho during my shamanic introduction training.  It seems to be used in indigenous cultures or one could say in those cultures with Earth-based belief systems.  I hear it frequently when among people who follow these belief systems.

“Aho” has become a word of affirmation for me.  For example, when one states an intention, one is setting a clear path to their desired outcome.  Saying “Aho” after the intention is affirming that the desired outcome already exists albeit in the future.  Thus saying “Aho” can be equated to the phrase “Make it so.  It is so!”

I have heard Aho being compared to a Christian prayer ending in ‘amen.’  Or the yoga instructor’s ‘namaste’.  To some degree these are apt comparisons for these words also set an affirmation.  However, each has their own purpose and definition. So, each person can decide for themselves what they prefer to say to affirm a statement.


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Aho, Nakeetah.

With loving intentions,    Lila


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