Quick Summary:
I propose a new word:
Dislogical; adj = empowered, Spirit-connected, intuitive, knowing, fearless
Deeper Dive:
We all know that in order to raise our vibration and ascend, we must move into our heart space, attune to our inner spirit, and allow our intuition to guide us. Many people achieve this for a fraction of their day through meditation or other practices that allow them to be present. And I congratulate them on this accomplishment.
Yet the truly awakened are in this state all the time. They live from their heart space. They are connected to their inner spirit and allow their intuition to lead them through their everyday life. They have moved from ego-based, logical believing into a state of knowing. They are grounded, rational, loving, strong, benevolent individuals. They are connected to Spirit (God, Divine), have a calm sense of peaceful contentment about them, and they fear nothing, ever.
I aspire to living every moment of my life trusting and acting in union with my inner spirit. I seek my intuitive knowing as often as I can. Even so, ego has so may tricks and traps that continue to pull me back into my cycle of fear and of categorizing life based on logical analysis. It is quite an internal struggle. But I’ve been there, I know how powerful it is to be in my knowing and to trust my inner spirit to guide me. Why can I not stay there all the time? Why can I not move away from ego controlling my life via logic-based comparisons and analysis?
Opposite of Logic
Hubby, Steve, and I were having a conversation about living in the new earth and within the new Crystal Matrix. I commented that acting and living from our logic-based belief structure soon will no longer be sustainable, it will no longer support us. We need to move into an intuitive state of knowing. He made a comment that to move away from logical then is to move into illogical.
In our current vocabulary, the opposite of logical is illogical.
Illogical is defined as: senseless, irrational, weak.
But, to move from ego-controlled logic-based believing into a state of spirit-connected knowing is NOT illogical!! It is the opposite of illogical: it makes sense, is rational, and allows one to stand in their powerful sovereign authority.
It occurred to me that I have subconsciously feared moving from my logic-based belief system into my intuitive knowing because to do so would be the opposite of logic which is currently defined as ‘illogical’. Our own language is self-sabotaging, keeping us small. Wow.
We need a new word!!
We need a word that supports the empowerment of Self when one moves from fear-based believing into a state of intuitive knowing. A word that does not undermine our desire to be in our sovereign authority always.
So, I created a new word for our New Earth and new way of Being:
“Dislogical” adjective = empowered, Spirit-connected, intuitive, knowing, fearless
The act of disengaging from logic-based believing and engaging one’s intuition-based knowing is not illogical, it is dislogical.
This new word is not self-sabotaging. Rather, it builds a rational path that strengthens the connection to our inner spirit while allowing ego to gently fold under as part of our support structure. Dislogical!
I am excited to introduce ‘dislogic’ into my life. Here are some ways to use the word:
- You are so dislogical, good for you!
- I am in a state of dislogic.
- Being dislogical allows me to stand in my sovereign authority
May this new word serve you well! May you always and forever more be in your dislogical, intuitive knowing.
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With loving intentions, Lila