Paradigms Introduced, Part 1


Have you ever noticed how each person that witnesses an event has a different perception of it? Each has a different memory, different opinion, and different perspective of the event. 

That’s because each person is coming from a different point of view, a different viewing platform, a different paradigm.  Here we explain the basics of the paradigm phenomenon. 

I am describing paradigms in my own words.  Dr. Dan Mathews, Holy Divine Healing, received this information from Spirit many years ago.  He speaks of this often, and he works tirelessly to assist humanity in ascending via these paradigms.  I am grateful that he has granted me permission to share this information through my own perspective, in my own words. 

Deeper Dive:

Paradigms are different ways of perceiving reality, different levels of consciousness.  And is very much tied to the frequency at which the person vibrates. Depending on a person’s attitude or outlook on life, they see reality differently than the next person. As a person ascends, they are raising their vibration and moving to more expansive levels of consciousness.  These levels are the paradigms, like rungs on a ladder. 

I know most readers are asking how this differs from dimensions.  Each paradigm has dimensions. They are like steps or different optional pathways within that paradigm level.  In-depth discussion about dimensions is beyond the scope of this post.  For now, you can think of the Paradigms as plateaus and dimensions as steps and pathways from one plateau to the next. 

History – Humanity’s Fall

There was a time in our distant past when humanity was aware of our spiritual abilities.  We were fully connected to the Source, Spirit. We were Whole beings. We had thorough knowledge of Spirit, our own unique abilities, and interrelations with others. We had complete knowledge of how we related to Earth and her other spirit occupants.  We collaborated with Beings of other star nations in a harmonious, loving, respectful fashion.  On and on.

Then through circumstances that I personally cannot fully comprehend, humanity chose to disconnect from Source.  Some say we wanted to learn what separation from Spirit is like.  We wanted to experience separation and then the return to Spirit for a complete and thorough understanding of this ‘awakening’ and ‘ascending’ process.  Dr. Dan adds that we had a knowing, but we wanted to also achieve an understanding.

Whatever the reason, the fall of humanity saw us tumble down paradigm after paradigm after paradigm.  Some say we tumbled until we hit Paradigm1.  I personally have memory of being in the Paradigm 6-8 range for a long period of time.  But that’s a story for another time.  Eventually, from Paradigm 6-8, we tumbled again.  Was it the Precession of the Equinoxes, was it patriarchy taking hold, or was it some other force that caused this final descent of humanity?   No matter.  Alas, humanity found itself at Paradigm 1.  

The Downfall World

Dr. Dan appropriately calls the lowest three paradigms “The Downfall World”. At these lowest paradigms, each human lived many, many lifetimes within each paradigm and continued for as long as necessary in order to learn all the lessons.  The process of learning lessons to achieve thorough understanding is what Dr. Dan terms “the School of Understanding”.  The human collective is made up of all the human experiences.  So, when the majority of humans were in a given paradigm, humanity at large lived there for as long as necessary to learn as a collective all there was to learn.  As such, humanity’s climb out of the Downfall World has taken eons.  Here is life in the Downfall World:   

Paradigm 1 

Paradigm 1 was as low as humanity could possibly fall.  From Paradigm 1, we had to begin our ascent. 

Paradigm 1 principles:             death, dying, and war.

This was and continues to be existence at its most base level; truly survival of the fittest.  Domination vs submission, victim vs prey, kill or be killed, either with us or against us, fearing anyone who’s different, duality at its most base level.  Life was brutal and short.

The human collective remained in Paradigm 1 as a race of beings until we had learned all there was to learn.  Then, and only then were some able to become aware of Paradigm 2. Fortunately, at that time, some humans were able to focus their attention beyond survival in order to comprehend and attain a higher vibrational viewpoint.  And thus, Paradigm 2 became available.

Paradigm 2

Dr. Dan equates Paradigm 2 as being ushered in with the Birth of Abraham.  Slightly better than Paradigm 1, it was a stepping stone in humanity’s ascension out of rock-bottom.

Paradigm 2 principles:            robbing, stealing, cheating, politicking, lying

Look around and witness this paradigm being played out by many still today. This is a state of suffering.  I keep an expanded list which includes: coercion; disrespecting people, property, and nature; and doing things of ill-intention when no one is looking because they think they are getting away with it.  

Centuries passed with humanity in Paradigm 1 and 2.  Eventually, a few enlightened humans raised their vibrations high enough to be able to awaken into Paradigm 3.  Again, many were in Paradigm 1 and most were in Paradigm 2.  

Paradigm 3

Dr. Dan equates Paradigm 3 as being ushered in with the birth of Jesus Christ.  Again, better than Paradigm 1 and 2, it was a stepping stone in humanity’s slow progress towards ascension into higher vibrational, expanded perceptions. 

Paradigm 3 principles:            Gossip, criticism, self-pity, being judgmental, self-righteous, labeling others

My expanded list here includes: manipulating, shaming, and guilting. This too is a state of suffering.  Today we witness this nearly everywhere we look.  It may be evident in media, government, some religious organizations, cultural influences, social pressures, and even some who supposedly are Lighting the way for others.  Be cautious in these times.  If a self-defined ‘Light-worker’ uses these principles to gather an audience, remain detached and move away. Blessings to them, but they are not yet ready to lead others out of the Downfall World.  

Humanity has lived in a blending of these three paradigms for the past two-thousand years, learning all there is to learn in this School of Understanding.  Again, Dr. Dan calls this the “downfall world.”  


This concludes Part 1 of the introduction to paradigms.  

Part 2 continues the topic by exploring humanity’s ascension, the paradigm ladder, and life perspectives through the lens of higher paradigms.  

A “Thank You!” to Dr. Dan Mathews for bringing this valued information to humanity. Without your work, our ascension would be greatly impeded. Readers can find Dr. Dan on his website:

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With loving intentions,     Lila

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