In part 1 of this 2-part series, we defined paradigms as: ways of perceiving reality, different levels of consciousness. Very much tied to the frequency at which the person vibrates.
Part 1 shared the history of humanity’s downfall into the lowest possible form of existence – Paradigm 1. We then discussed the Downfall World and School of Understanding.
Humanity spent eons in the Downfall World’s Paradigms 1, 2, and 3. Now, humanity is ascending. Please read on to learn more.
Deeper Dive:
Slowly humanity has awakened to higher and higher vibrations, allowing change to occur. From this, numerous shifts took place that allowed even greater awakening. And so, finally, humanity began its ascent out of The Downfall World.
Humanity’s Ascent
According to Dr. Dan, Paradigms 4 and 5 opened on Earth in 2003 and 2004: “They are a buffer zone between the Downfall World and the New Earth which begins at Paradigm 6.” Additionally, amid the shifts of awakenings, many Light-Workers diligently labored the past two decades to set in place the Crystal Matrix. This now allows Earth to expand into her New Earth Crystalline framework. And it allows all her occupants to begin ascending the Paradigm ladder at a quickened pace. All this together leads Dr. Dan to announce: “The Downfall World is coming to an end.”
Understanding the paradigms makes ascension easier. Each choice a person makes puts them into the paradigm that supports that decision. Dr. Dan explains: “Paradigms are the ascension path. The higher the consciousness, the more delightful the activity that occurs there.” Moment by moment, a person can ascend by thinking high vibrational thoughts, releasing downfall world beliefs, and knowing truth within. Simply focus intention on manifesting at the highest level of integrity possible for the most optimal outcome for all involved. This perspective will allow each of us to move through the paradigms to ever higher vibrational levels of expanded consciousness.
Currently, humanity sits at a time when people span the paradigms from 1 to 13 (or higher). As such, one person may be experiencing life in the 8-10th Paradigm right next to someone stuck in the lower consciousness of Paradigm 1-3 Downfall World. This is the reason for the chaos and unrest in the world. We are currently in a tumultuous sea of varying perspectives.
No worries. Allow feelings of a blank mind, airy body, and light feet. Allow expanding swirls of energy to surround you and all that you see. This is the time for each of us to put down resistance and allow our own ascension process to move into high gear. For doing so also pulls our human collective ever higher.
Paradigm Ladder
Between 2003 and 2011 Dr. Dan ushered in the ascension ladder that goes from Paradigm 4 through 14. After this was complete, expansion of the paradigms took on exponential growth. He says it now reaches from 1 all the way to “999 to the power of 7”. Therefore, any and all are available now for each of us to ascend into.
There are varying levels to the ascension. Below is a general guideline to assist the reader in understanding how these paradigms relate to ever expanding levels of consciousness.
Paradigm 1-3
The Downfall World. — Belief Consciousness
(we believe what others tell us)
Paradigm 4-8
Truth Consciousness — Knowing Consciousness
(we know truth based on what our Inner Divine shares with us)
Paradigm 9-13
Love Consciousness, Christed* Consciousness, Peace Consciousness, Dove Consciousness
(we experience life through love, compassion, benevolence, neutrality, grounded into peace)
* unrelated to Jesus other than it being the Paradigm and consciousness level he, Mother Mary, and Mary Magdelah lived in while on Earth; no small feat considering the rest of humanity was still in Paradigm 1 and 2.
Paradigm 14 +
These are new arenas that Dr. Dan is most recently ushering in. It is all very exciting! I provide no details here as I have limited experience with these at this point. However, Dr. Dan has a great deal more information about these.
Dr. Dan’s website: holydivinehealing.com
Paradigm Perspective
A person can be in several paradigms, jumping from one to another depending on the scenario and situation. Each moment can possibly find a person in another paradigm based on their thoughts, emotions, and actions. For example, I may be in Paradigm 8 as I compassionately serve humanity through writing this blog post. And then I may jump to Paradigm 3 if I attach judgment while writing examples. That said, I am working diligently to completely move out of The Downfall World.
The paradigm you are in will be determined by how open, accepting, and neutral you are in the moment. If something triggers you, this is a hook that pulls you down into The Downfall World paradigms. When this happens, simply recognize it, witness it with as much neutrality as possible, and work to release anything that ties you to it. We are all a work in progress, certainly. And most importantly, do not worry about what Paradigm you might be in. Doing so puts you squarely into Paradigm 3: criticism, self-pity, being judgmental
Life at Higher Paradigms
I had the great honor and privilege in 2019 to assist Dr. Dan and a specialty group of people to usher in these higher levels of consciousness, making them available for all of humanity. In doing so, I was able to experience what it will be like to live life from these expanded perspectives. Here are a few examples:
- As you move into higher paradigms, your mental capacity will open into a new multi-faceted matrix, your outlook on life will broaden, and you’ll have perspectives beyond anything you imagined.
- As your consciousness expands, you will know things without ever being taught, you’ll have comprehension of things that defy logic, and you’ll find delight in the most mundane tasks.
- As you work at these new levels, your physical body will morph into a stronger healthier version of your, all your senses will become acute, your many talents & gifts will awaken to allow you to express yourself as the unique Being that you are.
- As you settle into this new version of you, amazing and wonderful things happen daily, fear and unease disappear, and life is pleasantly serene.
- As the human collective moves up the paradigm ladder to Paradigm 6-13+, principles and virtues of higher order will be the base: Friendship, Love, Peace, Fulfillment, Benevolence. In the future, as humanity moves beyond Paradigm 14, we can look forward to principles like Passion, Truthful, Dependable, Dedicated, Virtuous, Steadfast, and Bliss.
Understanding the paradigm ladder and its higher principles allows us to be optimistic about life. It provides a pathway for us to set intention and goals. And, it allows us to be grateful that humanity will not be stuck in the Downfall World eternally. Having these positive outlooks is actually us reaching into the higher paradigms. Like rock climbers throwing their hooks up to a higher point, our higher thoughts catapult us into the higher paradigms. Even if only for a moment, this assists ourselves and humanity in ascending even more quickly because it creates in-roads into the higher paradigms.
A special “Thank You!” to Dr. Dan Mathews of Holy Divine Healing
Dr. Dan’s website: holydivinehealing.com
This concludes introduction to paradigms. Future posts will reference them in order to deepen the reader’s understandings of what they are and how they affect our lives.
With loving intentions, Lila