Crystalline Matrix Active

Wisdom in Summary:

The Crystalline Matrix is Earth’s expanded, high-vibrational framework that is ready to support all of Earth’s occupants. In this post, we cover the creation of the Crystal Matrix, its connection to the human consciousness collective, and a person’s free-will choice on whether to continue experiencing the heavy 3-D Downfall World or whether to move to the high-vibrational Crystalline Matrix.  

Note:  We are told that it is time to share this information.  We are assured that the Crystalline Matrix is safe and secure and that sharing this in no way jeopardizes it.

Deeper Dive:

As we know, Earth has an electro-magnetic grid.  This is her skeleton, if you will.  And most recently it is called ‘Ley Lines’.  Generally, this grid has served her and all her occupants very well over the eons.  Certainly, some sections of this grid still need clearing to remove corruption, but this is a topic for another day.  

New Grid

We all know that Earth’s frequency (vibration) is gradually rising. This is her pulse, if you will.  This is most recently called ‘The Schumann Resonance’.  This is the vibration that flows through her electro-magnetic grid, and all her occupants are affected by it.  Because her vibration has raised to a certain frequency, she is able to support an expanded, high-vibration framework. This expanded framework is the Crystalline Matrix. 

Have you ever wondered the significance of the dates: 01/01/2001; 02/02/2002; 03/03/2003 and so on through 12/12/2012? Each date was a starting point for another aspect of the Crystal Matrix to be assembled.  There are humans in this current lifetime who had the specific purpose of assisting with the assembly of this matrix.  And there are beings of other realms and dimensions who had that same specific purpose.  Together they assembled the framework around Earth. And in the final years, they connected this Crystal Matrix to key points on Earth’s existing electro-magnetic framework.  As such, Earth was given a much-expanded crystalline skeleton.  Now we are well beyond 2012. And though there were many forces of ill-intention & UnLove who tried to stop this from happening, I am delighted that it is now safe to share:  those of Love & Pure-Intention succeeded beyond expectation in the creation and assembly of Earth’s new Crystalline Matrix framework. 

Ongoing Work

With the completion of the crystal grid framework at the end of 2012, more work continues.  Like building a home, the foundation and framework is the critical first step.  And then many more phases must be completed in order to make it a comfortable habitat for the future occupants. 

For the crystal grid, both humans and those of other realms and dimensions are continually awakened to their specific purpose of working with the Crystalline Matrix.  The work that I am aware of includes:

  • continuation of connecting Earth’s electro-magnetic grid to the crystal grid 
  • clearing the distortion and corruption from the electro-magnetic grid
  • assisting Earthly kingdoms and realms with releasing low-vibration Downfall World memories, trauma, etc. so that they may also raise their vibration and move to the Crystalline Matrix

This is only a fraction of the work being done.  All of the ongoing work has been very successful.  As a result, in the past couple years, certain segments of the crystal grid have been ‘activated’: lit up, connected in enough areas that allows Earth’s pulse to run through it.  Just one more phase complete in a long, ongoing project. 

Human Collective 

With the activation of a significant portion the Crystalline Matrix, another group of specialists have awoken to their Pure High-Intentioned purpose: The Human Collective.  

Over the past few years, this special group of humans and other beings have created, within the Crystalline Matrix, layers of paradigms (realities, dimensions) that can hold ever-expanding levels of consciousness.  Additionally, they have successfully connected the human collective consciousness to the Crystalline Matrix. And they created various pathways for humans to choose during the ascension from the 3-D Downfall World into the higher dimensions, paradigms, and levels of consciousness that are held in the crystal grid.    

The importance of the human collective consciousness connecting securely to the Crystalline Matrix is hugely significant.  For you see, humanity’s future existence depended on this taking place.  I’ll share a few of many reasons: 

  • Earth is moving to the Crystalline Matrix as her skeleton.  As she does so, her pulse (The Schumann Resonance) will continue to quicken at an ever-increasing rate.  
  • The Schumann Resonance affects all of us.  If we collectively stayed anchored in the 3-D physical realm of Earth, we as a species would be unable to keep up with Earth’s rising vibration and her expanding consciousness.  Due to the ever-increasing difference in our frequency and that of our plant, we would become ill and risk extinction. 
  • In order for each human to expand their consciousness and move out of the Downfall World, we as a collective needed a way to move to an expanded, high-vibration framework.  
  • The Crystalline Matrix framework can now support our expanding consciousness so that we each can safely and securely move into Love Consciousness, Christed Consciousness, Peace Consciousness.  And ultimately well beyond.  
  • As each individual chooses to move to the Crystalline Matrix, thus moves the human collective consciousness. When a small percentage of our population shifts to this high vibration framework, there becomes a tipping point where the rest of humanity automatically follows.  
Personal Choice

Each being has a right to free-will choice.  This is a hugely important cosmic law.  As such, each person has a right to choose whether to move to the Crystalline Matrix or not.  The path has been established, and it is up to the individual to decide where they choose to live.  

Some, currently in human form and other forms, are fighting to remain in control, and they work diligently to convince humans to stay in the heavy, 3-D matrix.  Through Downfall World principles of lying, cheating, manipulation, defense, domination, etc. they are able to lead people to choose the low vibration state of suffering, chaos, defensiveness, and duality.  

Each human has the choice to continue experiencing the 3-D matrix or to move to the crystal grid.  Once securely living from the Crystalline Matrix, a person is out of reach of the manipulative energetics of the 3-D Downfall World.  More about what the world will look like from the perspective of the Crystalline Matrix will be covered in our next post: Optimize Crystal Reality.


The content of this blog is true and accurate to the best of my wisdom.  And I share it with loving intentions that it be beneficial for the reader’s own ascension path.  I encourage you to research these topics further and dig deep into your own wisdom as well.  

In the next post, we will discuss how to live from the Crystalline Matrix.

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Aho, With loving intentions,     Lila

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