Dec 2020 – #1 – New Dawn


In early December, 2020, I was called to serve, and it came as a sensation of being pulled inwards, into my core and Inner Sanctum (heart center).  When this occurs, I know it is a calling to serve from the highest, purest realms and that the service is of great importance to Mother Earth and humanity. 

What transpired merges many planes of existence, crosses many dimensions, and involves many realms. It was external and yet all was internal. It was my own process of awakening, and it is a vivid glimpse into what each human will need to do as they too awaken upon their most optimal Divine path. 

The paradox of this occurring both externally and internally for me and as a lesson for each human makes the following obvious: 

analyzing this purely from a material world, logic-based viewpoint will make no sense. And, I understand that this information will make some readers uneasy and others will dismiss it. If you find yourself in this category, blessings to you; may your path intersect with those whom align with your own inner Divine Truth.  And, for those that find this information interesting and resonating, a note: to fully comprehend the depths of this message, one must be open, utilize innate extra-ordinary senses, and expand one’s perception of what is “real”.

This is the first of 8 blogs dedicated to describing the work that took place in December, 2020.  In this blog post, I give bullet points and an overview of what occurred.  In the following 7 blog posts, I will dig into the greater details.  

Deeper Dive:

Early December, 2020, I was unaware who exactly was requesting my service or for what purpose.  I chose to trust, and I followed my intuition.  When I was being pulled inwards, I trusted and allowed.  When I was being shown visions, I observed in neutrality.  And when I was called into action, I humbly served with all my talent and ability of the time.   One event led to the next in what turned into a month-long process of humbly serving Spirit, Mother Earth, all Earth’s occupants… and ultimately my own inner awakening.   

In hindsight, I can say that I was called into service by Beings of Higher Realms to assist them in moving Earth and all occupants (including me) from the Epoch of Suffering into the Epoch of Coalescence.  I had wondered why I was encouraged to wait to post this series of blogs.  Now I understand that it took most of 2021 for me to awaken to the point of realizing that the process that took place in December 2020 was just as much about my own ascension as it was for Earth and humanity. 

And as I finished writing all 8 blogs, I was yet again called into service.  This time serving any and all who are moved, awakened, affected by the content of these blogs.  I will be hosting calls and other online events to assist in answering questions and assisting those who find themselves in the thick of experiencing what is described in these blogs.  Check our Events page for details. Additionally, I am available to serve via private sessions.  

Timeline of Events

Beginning December 1, 2020 and commencing December 26, 2020, I traversed the planes of existence on a daily basis, assisting with the upshiftment.  Through near-constant meditation and ceremony, great fetes were accomplished.   Here is what transpired: 

  • December 2, The Hall of Completion was uncovered from the darkness of the Downfall World.  It was cleared and upshifted into its New Dawn state.  And it then became the Holy space of transformation.  
  • From within this Hall, great lines of humans and other Beings came forth with their contract participant to proclaim their contracts dissolved either as Complete or Null & Void depending on their circumstances. In deep honor and neutrality, I officiated the ceremony as the Great Mediator and witness.  I and my team of Lightworkers created and held sacred, protected space as Angels brought forth each contract. (Note: Many, many contracts, agreements, vows, and commitments had been made over the centuries of lifetimes.  These are now able to be dissolved and cleared for they have served their purpose and are now doing more harm than good as the participants are expanding their consciousness beyond the validity of these contracts.)  These upcoming posts will provide greater details about contracts and the Hall of Completion:
    • Dec 2020 – #2 Contracts” and
    • Dec 2020 – #3 Hall of Completion.” 
  • I thought December 4 would be uneventful until I found the note of darkest warnings pinned to the tree along the path in the beautiful park.  Observing the surroundings, I saw that the malevolent energy came from the nearby murky waters.  And, I knew I would be called to serve that area in the near future. Read greater details in blog:
    • Dec 2020 – #5 Clearing Debris.   
  • December 6, I was called to serve the area I had visited two days prior.  Unaware of how to serve, I trusted.  Taking one step at a time, I and the team of Lightworkers descended through the murky depths into The Hall of Deception.  Clearing the Downfall World debris from this cavern, it was transformed and upshifted to its New Dawn state: Temple of Desires.  From there, we continued down a narrow corridor and into a small room.  Here, we located a being held captive since the Downfall.  To learn what happened next, read upcoming posts:
    • Dec 2020 – #4 Beings of Ill-Intention” describes the malevolent beings who occupied The Hall of Deception; and
    • Dec 2020 – #5 Clearing Debris” shares details of this entire experience, including more details of who was set free.     
  • December 15, again I was called to serve as the Great Mediator and witness.  This time, I and allies were called to officiate The Ceremony of Coalescence of the Zodiac.  Now, nearly a year later, I have come to understand the depth of this ceremony.  Working in the ethers, I was effecting change both externally for the Zodiac beings of the sky realm and internally for the safe integration of my own soul fractals.  You see, during the Downfall, my soul fractured along with every other human’s. Read more about this and how to call our soul fractals back in the upcoming blog:
    • <Dec 2020 – #6 Soul Fractals>.  And, falling into the Epoch of Suffering, the energy shifted to domination, defense, and death.  The Zodiac Beings took on this energy and fought each other as a result. Read the upcoming blog post:
    • <Dec 2020 – #7 Zodiac Ceremony> to learn the details of what took place during the Ceremony of Coalescence of the Zodiac.   
  • December 18, Divine Mother visited me with the message:
    • “This is a New Beginning.  A New Dawn.” 

With this message, I received the following wisdom: 


  • Winter Solstice 2020 and the cosmic significance IS THE NEW BEGINNING for humanity (including Lila) and for Gaia (Mother Earth): 
    • Saturn & Jupiter in the Grand Conjunction simultaneously entering Aquarius means the “Age of Aquarius” starts now.
    • Earth (and her “Central Sun” core), our Solar System’s Sun, and our Galactic Center’s Sun all aligning during the Grand Conjunction signifies the End of one Epoch and the Beginning of another. 
    • Winter Solstice Window is the 3 days that the sun rises and sets at the same time each day. This creates a ‘standing still’ effect which feels like a VOID of Nothing. When the sun again starts to move, we witness a New Beginning.  
  • The combination of these three unique cosmic events created a Portal of Time that is open between all realms and all worlds.  
  • The Ceremony of Coalescence of the Zodiac that took place on December 15 shifted these sky beings out of the Epoch of Suffering and prepared them to assist Earth and her occupants with their upshiftment into the Epoch of Coalescence. 


(Timeline Continued:)
  • December 21 to December 25 was the Winter Solstice window.  With the Portal of Time open, I was called into service as witness.  In near constant meditative vigil, I held sacred space and observed Earth’s timeline playout. Later I came to realize that I was also witnessing and observing my own past lives playout.  All of the past lives I had experienced during the Downfall World needed witness and atonement.   
  • Going farther and farther back in time, I saw all the domination, destruction, defense, disease, and death that took place during the Epoch of Suffering.  For these three days, I abandoned my own rigid time in order to honor all that had transpired for Earth, for humanity, and for my soul personally.  Through witnessing, honoring, and forgiveness, I and my allies brought forgiveness and healing to the timeline.  And this brought the Epoch of Suffering to completion.  Finalized, over, and done. All for the purpose of being able to have Earth and all her occupants move forward and create NEW; the Epoch of Coalescence.   


This series of posts is being provided at the request of those in the Higher Realms.  By publicly sharing this information, it is being officially recorded into the Annals of Time.  The Annals of Time are records of humanity’s ascension here on Earth (Gaia).  They are important materials to be studied by Beings of other star nations going through similar processes for eons to come.  Here on Earth, as each person awakens, they will be tasked with these same steps.  Have you begun experiencing any of them?  Please share with us, for the annals. 

I look forward to sharing with you the greater details in the forthcoming blog posts.  

With loving intentions,


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