photo credit: Ananya Mittal on
The month of December, 2020 was a whirlwind for me. Being pulled into meditation more than not, I dedicated much of my time to Service. This post is #2 of 8 about Dec 2020 which was introduced in my August post “Re-Emerging Like Cicada”.
Just prior to posting the blog series, I was called into a new level of service; to serve the readers. If you feel an urgency to release your own contracts, I am available to assist. There will also be zoom meetings scheduled to discuss this process in depth. See our Events-2022 web page for details.
Below is background content, especially contracts each of us has made over our millennia of lifetimes. This is preliminary information relating to Hall of Completion that I will describe in detail in the next blog post: “Dec 2020 – #3 Hall of Completion”.
Deeper Dive:
Divine Mother has given the message: “The Epoch of Suffering is Over.”
The Epoch of Suffering is what Divine Mother calls the patriarchy, their Downfall World, and the 3-Ds = domination, defense, and (lonely) death. With its end, humanity and all Earth’s occupants can now choose to put down any and all that causes them to suffer.
Much of the suffering in the (patriarchy) Downfall World is/was accomplished through vows, contracts, agreements, oaths, promises (I’ll simply call all these ‘contracts’ going forward). Contracts that we each agreed to willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly, written or orally, with ourselves or with others, in this lifetime or past lifetimes.
For example:
- Vows and oaths to a god, an intimidating leader, an organization:
- I will worship no other false god before you
- Hail oh great king/dictator/ruler, I will die for your cause
- I place this lodge/society/den before my own concerns
- Commitments made to loved ones, allies, and enemies alike:
- I lay down my life for you
- All for one and one for all
- If I lay eyes upon you again, I swear I shall have my revenge
- Vows to uphold family honor, family lineage, or family beliefs.
- This family’s name will be respected, I’ll be sure of that
- My great, great grandfather stood for this principle and therefore so shall I
- We Xyzabc’s are proud to abcdefg. (even if a person doesn’t have the same belief, they vow to uphold the family’s belief because it is tradition)
- Agreements stated under one’s breath in times of distress:
- “I will never have another child” vowed after 3 lifetimes of children being killed.
- “I’ll never get ahead in life,” he commits from a victimhood perspective
- “Men die young in my family,” he resigns to a family pattern.
- Contracts agreed upon prior to entering this lifetime of experiences:
- Family pattern of self-deprecation
- Defensive stance of arrogance
- Pattern of betrayal by friends
Completing Personal Contracts
Each of us carry many, many contracts. Those made in past lives follow our soul via our Akashic Records. Those agreed upon when signing up for this lifetime come via ancestral lineage, family patterns, personality traits, inner obstacles, and so on. Those formed in this lifetime are stored in our mental body and emotional body (or Electro-Magnetic System). Ultimately, all of these combined, serve as the guidance of our current life’s experiences of patterns and cycles.
Now that the Downfall World and the Epoch of Suffering is over, we have the opportunity to proclaim any and all of these contracts “complete”. We each have Free Will Choice. We can choose to continue suffering or choose to move out of suffering. You may have heard angelic being Kryon explain via channel Lee Carroll that the karmic cycle is done. This is part of our ability to dissolve contracts. We each can choose to bring our contracts to completion. They have served their purpose and are now creating great harm and ongoing suffering as the participants are expanding their consciousness beyond the validity of these contracts.
I have come to realize that our contracts are layered within and tied to our personal history. So, the process of completing them will need to be done over time. The initial completion process will be described in the blog post: “Dec 2020 — #3 Hall of Completion.” And this will release the majority of one’s contracts. Thereafter, as issues, circumstances, and patterns surface to reveal another contract, we can work to release ourselves from that commitment and proclaim that contract complete. This process gets both easier and harder; easier because we have gained experience on releasing contracts, and harder because the deeper one goes in the layers, the more challenging the issue.
The Work
The Epoch of Suffering is over. Therefore, bringing patterns and their associated contracts to completion is easier than ever before. That said, we each must still do our own work.
Contracts are held within us, secured energetically through an emotional bond which is a magnetic charge. Patterns expose the contract in cycles for us to work on.
The Work involves neutrally observing the pattern as the latest scenario surfaces, examining the affiliated emotional triggers, and working to release the emotions. Observing how one reacts emotionally to the pattern will expose areas that can be pondered, processed, dealt with, and released. Exposing and working through even a few of the areas that feed a pattern will lead to the entire pattern falling apart.
It is our current society’s imprinting that tells us to bury our emotions, keep them down so they don’t cause further issues. This is a trait of the Downfall World keeping us victim within our own body. In fact, in order to release a pattern, we must allow ourselves to deeply feel the emotions tied to a pattern. Allowing ourselves to grieve, be angry, sob, and whatever else is necessary IS the path of freedom. We must pass through the emotional barrier in order to completely release the emotions that magnetically hold the pattern together. We must have zero resistance to our emotions. We must allow the emotions to run their course and completely deflate. This can take an hour, or it can take a month of hours. Whatever it takes is what is necessary. Once the emotions run their course, they lose their magnetic charge and the pattern falls apart.
Keys to bringing contracts to completion by resolving the affiliated pattern include the following when a pattern re-surfaces:
- Observe yourself and your reactions as neutrally as possible
- Refrain from self-judgment, self-criticism, self-abuse
- Allow yourself to work through all the emotions, in their entirety
- Forgive: (this can be in the physical realm of actually addressing the person or via a meditation, journey, or vision into the ethers where you address their ethereal higher self)
- you forgive others who did you harm either intentionally or unintentionally
- you ask others for forgiveness of any harm you did upon them either intentionally or unintentionally
- you forgive yourself for harm you did upon yourself either intentionally or unintentionally (this one can be surprisingly challenging)
- Make tough decisions that support your release of the pattern and that establish a new way of BEing (i.e. standing up for yourself, ending a toxic friendship, doing a challenging task alone for your own benefit, etc.)
- Welcome life beyond that pattern and its contract. Imagine what life is without it. Allow yourself to change perspectives on your life and of those around you based on your new way of BEing. Celebrate this new, awakened you.
Our contracts are exposed to us through their affiliated patterns. Patterns surface in cycles for us to address the underlying contract. Through our emotions, thoughts, and actions we choose to reinforce the pattern or break free of the pattern and its underlying contract. The Spirit realm casts no judgment upon us for the choices we make and the steps we take. It is our own path through The Work, and it is an honorable process. Please remember this when things turn challenging.
We must be kind to ourselves and honor the process that we chose to undertake by coming into human form in this lifetime. Sometimes we must break free of a pattern in tiny bits in each cycle until we are able to handle the brunt of it en masse. That’s okay. Tiny steps add up to completion. And remember, in order to completely release a contract and be able to proclaim it complete, we each must do the work. Once the contract is complete, celebrate the new awakened you and your expanded perspective on life.