Coalescing Blackbirds
I hear the questions from readers: What is coalescence? What does the Epoch of Coalescence look like? How do I personally get there?
Here is a brief introduction to Coalescence.
Deeper Dive:
Coalescence is a blending, merging of energies.
It is an unconditional acceptance of others exactly where they are on their Divine path.
It is a knowing of your own sovereignty and allowing others to know theirs.
It is a daily living without defense, domination, and dis-ease. It is a peaceful existence with our energies naturally harmonizing, blending, and flowing with the environment and others around us.
Nature as Our Guide
We can look to nature for examples of coalescence:
This breathtaking ballet was performed Dec 20, 2021 near Port Lavaca, TX. I was excited and in awe to stand witness. Have you ever seen anything like this in person? The energy is so hard to describe. The full video can be seen on the Youtube Channel: Crystal Weavers. <click for full video>
Of course, SUN is the perfect example of coalescing energetics in our natural world. Here he coalesces with the waters of Aransas Bay, near Rockport, TX.
Shift into Coalescence
Moving into coalescence is a shift of many perspectives. We each must put down our fears. We must trust all will work out perfectly. We must lean-in with blind trust and take each step without seeing the entire path.
I know, the above phrases are becoming spiritual clichés. So, let’s dig into how to best apply these practices in order to actually attain the shifts of perspectives into that of Coalescence.
Daily Decisions
As you know, every decision you make is a step on your ascension path. Even minor daily decisions like what to eat, what to wear, what to do during any free time. This is true because every minor decision is surrounded by a plethora of thoughts. And these thoughts are seeped with preconceived notions, expectations, assumptions, and fears. The thoughts are tied nicely to emotions that tend to lock us into behavioral patterns. Patterns cause us to choose the same thing all the time; it’s easy and comfortable even though it may be destructive to our health and wellbeing.
Making even minor changes in our decisions can break the patterns and set us on new cycles towards thriving rather than simply surviving. Making these minor changes with purposeful intention makes them very powerful and helps them form our new path.
What we choose to eat affects our physical body, health, and wellbeing. How do you decide what to put into your body? Is your food choice based on emotional distress, what you perceive others expect you to eat, what others choose to eat, what your body survives on? Or is it filled with high vibration energetics, what you crave, what your body thrives on, what provides the nutrition your body deserves? Please know that I apply no judgment to these words. I am simply asking questions to spur some contemplation.
What we choose to wear is based on how we perceive ourselves, how we perceive others perceiving us, how we express ourselves to our external world. Do you choose clothes of conformity or self-expression? Do you choose clothes that you can hide within or radiate a-light without? The colors and style we select are based on those internal thoughts and the affiliated emotions. More non-judgmental food for consideration.
Free time seems to be a rare commodity for most people in our current civilization. What we choose to do with this free time is important indicator of where we are on our ascension path. Do you begrudgingly attend social events because you perceive others expect this of you? Do you run around in a frenzy trying to make everyone else happy to the point of sacrificing your own sanity and wellbeing? Do you put others in front of you? Or do you take time for self-care, schedule in some ‘ME-Time’, allow yourself to rest and recuperate? (this can be a whole blog topic: caring for self vs being selfish.) No judgment; simple observations bring clarity that result in huge shifts.
Now that we have dug into some daily details, my intention is to simply spur some things for you to consider. No need to be overwhelmed. Remember, you cannot do this wrong. The Spirit realm is non-judgmental and unconditionally loving. So, do the best you can with every decision you make, and refrain from self-criticism.
Ascension Path
No matter what decision we each make, it’s all good, and here’s why. Our ascension path, as you know, is one step at a time, one decision at a time, one reaction or non-reaction at a time. We cannot do it wrong. We can do it most optimally or in varying degrees of less than optimal. All is perfectly okay because we learn important lessons no matter which of those options we choose. Each decision we make is a step on our path, each step has its inherent lessons. With each decision, we take a step on our Divine path, and we receive the opportunities and the lessons that we are ready for and that we need at the time. Perfect.
It is like optional hiking trails going from Point-A to Point-B. We can choose our most optimal Divine path which is the tarred path of shortest distance. Or we can choose the tarred path that meanders a bit. A gravel path that has some gradual curves and uphill trending. A gravel path that has its ups and downs and eventually up. A dirt path that meanders high and low. A dirt path that quickly turns mud and swamp for us to trudge through. Or we each can make decisions that are so far off our Divine path that we are creating our own path. I can say from experience that this always leads to many long days in dark valleys, trudging river bottoms, through thickets with no machete, and pushing boulders up hill to find another path.
The Fast Track
Another option that opens when all things align is the ascension ladder. The Spirit realm calls this the Fast Track.
Photo: Mesa Verde, Colorado. Taken April 2018.
A person sees the Fast Track option only when their energetic frequency aligns with this Spiritually guided optimal option. I have seen these open while assisting client/friends through meditative downloads from Spirit realms. The person is gifted the opportunity of a Fast Track through a certain particular portion of their ascension path. When a person chooses this option, they must SURRENDER to that path, agree to it in blind TRUST, ALLOW their Pure Source Support Team to assist, and be open to RECEIVE the benefits. (the STAR method)
The Fast Track option brings all the lessons of the most optimal path to the person in rapid succession for them to deal with succinctly and with finality. Those that I have witnessed have experienced lessons that would have taken a few weeks to learn and processed them in a matter of hours. When a person is in the optimal mind-set (the STAR method), this can proceed with ease and grace. That said, a falter or mis-step is always possible. When this occurs, the person’s support team will stop, hold space, and wait for the person to catch their balance, secure themselves upon the rung of the ladder, and prepare for the climb to continue. And then the support team commences with the rapid ascension up the ladder to the next plateau.
This my dear friend, is our ascension path into the Epoch of Coalescence. When we make our daily decisions from a place of neutrality and non-judgment, and we make decisions based on what our heart truly desires, then we are respecting and honoring ourselves. We are respecting and honoring others. And we are on our most optimal Divine path. Taking this one step farther, when a person can make each decision with harmony in their heart, and non-defensive peace-filled acceptance of others, then they are living in the Epoch of Coalescence.
The Epoch of Coalescence is a 6-million year cycle of humanity and all of Earth’s occupants living harmoniously with each other. The year 2021 on the Gregorian calendar is year 1 of 6 million. So, please note this, take your time, and enjoy this journey up and out of the Epoch of Suffering.
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