Wisdom Teeth – Wise Teeth

Photo Credit: www.freeimages.com


As a kid, I wondered why the teeth were called ‘Wisdom Teeth’.  Now I know, and I suspect all teeth are wise; holding beliefs and patterns within their energy-dense, calcified core.  I had an experience overnight that I am being urged to share.  About my tooth, our teeth.  About our ascension process. About releasing and upshifting.  

Deeper Dive: 

As you know, everything is energy.  Our physical body is an outpouring, a physical expression of our beliefs, patterns, emotions, attitudes, perspectives, thoughts, assumptions, preconceived notions, and such.  (for purposes of this blog, I’ll simply refer to all this as “beliefs”). A great deal of science now proves that illness and disease are the physical representation of blocked energy from trauma or past experiences or familial belief patterns. 

Bones and Teeth

Our oldest, engrained, stanch, entrenched beliefs are the most energy-dense and thus are held in our bones and teeth.  These are beliefs that we have carried with us for many, many lifetimes, and from many generations of our current family’s lineage.  These are generally beliefs and patterns of fear and defense sequestered from wars fought, loves lost, starvation, pandemics, and general suffering through the Downfall World.  

Our bones and teeth retain beliefs that we usually are clueless we carry.  Examples:  scarcity needs, security fears, defending what is owned, disease, and death.

A pause here.  

Contemplate the above.

How many times each day do you find yourself saying “I’m afraid that …” in reference to anything going on in your daily life. 

A pause to consider some examples:

“I’m afraid someone will steal it.”  – defending what is owned.

“I just try to stay out of the way.” – security fear

 “I’m afraid if I go on a hike I’ll need a bathroom.” – fear of disease

“We need to stock up on xyz before the storm because I’m afraid we’ll run out.” – scarcity need 

 “I’m afraid to walk alone in the wooded park.” – security fear 

 “I’d love to go to abc event, but Covid…” – fear of disease, death

“I always carry a bit of food with me.” – scarcity need  

“Now that I’m getting older, I’m afraid to do that.” – fear of death

“You camp alone?! Aren’t you afraid something will happen?” – security fear 

(I hear this last one a lot.  Especially from women.)  

Now, of course, no judgments in the above.  I too carry entrenched beliefs from my Downfall World lifetimes and from my current family lineage’s DNA encoding.  As a matter of fact, some of those listed are my own.  The above is simply an exercise in bringing awareness to what we do, think, feel that are based on the dense energetic beliefs held in our teeth and bones. 

Lila’s Experience

As you know, everything comes in cycles and we release things in layers.  In this moon cycle, my intention has been instrumental in my shifting perspectives about others; setting down a defensive perspective, letting go of comparison, moving into a deeper state of unconditional acceptance.  Of course, I have worked on this in many cycles over the past several years.  And yet, I knew at my core, there was still old, engrained beliefs that held me in a defensive Downfall World pattern.  Fears and insecurities would pop up out of nowhere that sat in the pit of my stomach as ugly energies of defensiveness, fear of judgment, fear of not being good enough, comparisons, jealousy, pettiness, and so on.  Uck. Over the past year, anytime these arose, I worked to detach from them and observed neutrally.  In this way, am happy to say that I have slowly but surely dislodged this bundled energetic belief pattern. 

At last, during this moon cycle, daytime meditations and dreamtime lessons have assisted me in opening and expanding the area around this dislodged energetic belief bundle.  New and uplifting perspectives were coming in.  And I was releasing the preliminary energetics surrounding that bundle of dislodged energetic belief pattern.  Of course, I had no idea how this bundle of old beliefs would be completely released or transmuted.  But, I trusted that my Spirit Support Team would assist as they were able.  And I continued to do my part to prepare and release as much as possible. 

Energetic Assistance

Prior to sleep last night, I felt I was being pulled inward and upward into the ethers.  Visions of ancient conflict that I neutrally witnessed and then a stream of faces that I bid ‘farewell’. It felt like a release process, and I trusted the process.  And then solid sleep came.  

At 3am, I woke.  The second molar on my upper left side was throbbing.  Immediately, I went into fear.  Fear of the pain, fear of losing the tooth, fear of needing dental work, fear of finding a good dentist so far from my Minnesota home base (currently in south Texas), fear of the costs involved, fear of the time involved… fear, fear, fear.  

Fortunately, in my sleepy stupor, I was able to remove myself from the fears and for a split-second look at all of this neutrally.   In that narrow window of neutrality, my Spirit Support Team grabbed the opportunity to tell me: Energetic Assistance! 

I’m sure they shouted this and because of my fears, I heard them as a vague whisper.  But, I fortunately heard them nonetheless.  I focused on their message, and I listened intently.  I sensed my support team had called in those Beings who are experts at energetically removing old, deeply entrenched belief patterns from teeth.  In a groggy state, I could see the root of this tooth exposed, like the root of a tree exposed along a river bank.  I sensed my tooth was in the midst of an energetic clearing, and I was seeing it in its current ethereal state.  

I took deep breaths and centered myself.  I knew that if I allowed the fear to persist, I would anchor my tooth into the physical realm in its present state of pain with an exposed root.  And then I would indeed need to find a dentist. So, I dug deep into my Spiritual network and focused on knowing all was perfect, that my tooth was upshifting to its most optimal form, and that I was finally releasing that deeply entrenched pattern of Downfall World defense.  Then the throbbing tooth would send me back into the arena of fears.  Back and forth from Spirited Knowing into humanness fearing I swung.  Determined to do my part in this healing, energy work, I pushed once again into the state of Knowing.  Eventually, I fell back asleep. 


This morning, I woke to my tooth feeling normal again.  The cheekbone above it is a little tender.  But, all is well.  I sense that I/we have finally gotten to the root of that old, entrenched belief pattern of Downfall World defense; literally, figuratively, energetically, and physically. 

I am so grateful for the Spirit Realms and Pure Beings of Light from other Star Nations (especially the Arcturians). In deep gratitude that they are willing and able to so generously assist us in these physical, energetic releases (and so much more).  And, now as I write this blog, I sense that I was woken in the midst of their healing work so that I could experience it from the physical, human perspective.  And, so that I could share the experience in this detailed account.  One of my Divine gifts is documenting and sharing experiences.  And so it is. 


Our physical vessel is an accumulation of all that we had experienced in past lives and that our family lineage has experienced.  As we do our ascension work, we have the opportunity to release the old, dense, entrenched beliefs that are captive in our bones and teeth.  

Wisdom Teeth.  Wise teeth. Containers of past wisdom… fears, patterns, beliefs that kept us alive in those heavy times.  Now that the Epoch of Suffering is over and Earth’s energies support coalescence, we can dig deep and release these heavy energetic belief patterns.  Blessings that we can be open to the energetic upshiftment of our physicality without needing the bone to break or needing root canals on our teeth.  Alas, if that is where you find yourself, blessings of fast recovery into optimal health.  Perhaps this post assists you in realizing the bigger, energetic process taking place and to being open to calling in the new, high-vibration energetics to replace that which is being released.  

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