Photo: Swami Amar Jyoti from
Wisdom in Summary:
Blessed by the presence of a Guru in Spirit form, I am so grateful for all that Swami has taught me. Much is based on moving beyond human fears, calling in Vital Life energies, and owning the power bestowed upon us from Source.
Deeper Dive:
In December 2019, I realized our travels were taking us to Arizona. So, I reached out to a friend who lives in Tucson to see if we could pay her a visit. When she replied, she had a surprise for me. She explained that the guru of their local Ashram had moved out of human form a few years prior. However, he was still very present in his Spirit form, and he requested audience with me. Humbled, honored, and a little intimidated, I agreed. My hubby and I then knew why we were called to Arizona. And Hubby added “When an out-of-body guru requests your presence, you don’t say ‘no’.”
We visited the Ashram several times during our 2-week stay in Tucson, Arizona. Each time, I connected with Swami more solidly, moved into a deeper trust of his connecting with me, and gained a comfort-level with his humorous guidance. He seemed to have a Divinely orchestrated lesson plan laid out for me that focused on Divine Mother, calling in Truth Consciousness, and moving into my sovereign authority.Swami stayed with me and continued my lesson plan for a couple months beyond my Tucson visit. And now, years later, I am grateful that anytime I request his wisdom, he is quick to respond.
Swami Describes Energy
January 2020, meditating in the Arizona desert, I felt Swami come in and quietly sit next to me. Slowly my meditative state merged with him and his message. The topic: tapping into the Universal Life Source Energy.
My meditation became guided by Swami and his deep wisdom.
He showed me how we can reach deep down into Mother Earth to tap into Earth’s unlimited Vital Life Source. And how we can reach deep up into the cosmos to tap into the Cosmic expanse and the power of Pure Source.
Since being so lovingly guided in meditation by Swami, this process of building my own Vital Life Source energy has become an almost constant process. Like breathing, my body knows how to bring in the Universal energies, merge it with my own unique signature energy, and radiate out this combined, coalesced energies of my own unique recipe: Peaceful Coalescence.
Learn the Meditative Exercise
I had been waiting for the right timing to share the wisdom of the energetic process. Now,
I am very humbled and pleased to say that this meditative exercise was called forth in the January 2022 Last Quarter Moon Ceremony. In this ceremony, I was guided to introduce this process as the main exercise and meditation.
This can be found on the YouTube channel: Crystal Weavers. Titled: 2022-01 LQ Moon Ceremony.
(published January 25, 2022 at 6:00am Central Time USA)
Swami Speaks of Power
January 18, 2020, Swami came to me to convey a message.
I grabbed my computer and began typing:
Quote of Swami Amar Jyoti follows.
“Tell our dear friend:
Jenjube. You are too soft in your heart.
Why do you think you need to be a jello heart.” He laughs as he imagines the reference.
He pauses to carefully choose his next words so the receiver receives the intended message.
“To be devout is to have a heart that radiates inwards and outwards.
To do this, the heart must be strong, powerful, sturdy.
These are all words meaning ‘power’ yet humans equate them to being weak, submissive.
You submit to no one if you are truly devoted to a cause.
Yet when this cause is your own spiritual path, your inner guru, your own truth, then you grow weak. You think you must bow, be timid, be submissive.
Those who see their path, see it in a blaze of lightening. And, they do not bow to that lightening because they know they are the one who struck the tinder that lit it. And they are proud, they do not bow down or submit to a presumed eminence of that power coming from external. They own it. They stand proud. And they face any criticism with steadfast benevolence for they are the tinder and they are the lightening. And there is no call for apology in that.”
I interject. “thank you Swami. May I pause a minute for human needs?”
He slowly nods in my direction and says “yes, of course.”
I reply “thank you. One moment please.”
I leave, tend to my physical needs and return.
Together, we sit quietly for a time.
Finally, he asks me “do you ever feel tired?”
Then he grins and says “of course you do. So much energy goes in to a human’s everyday life. You worry and fret. You do things because you feel pressure from outside yourself to do so. Society. Culture. Family. These are energy drains. You waste much time and energy chasing after false needs of others. False expectations. False dogma. False credence. False worship of false gods.”
I have a hard time typing ‘false gods’ because of my own upbringing and a fear of being criticized by family for referring to their god as false.
Swami pauses because he sees I am distracted by my own human condition.
Ironically, I provide a prime example of exactly what he speaks of.
Again, he sits quietly with me, witnessing and accepting my human reactions to that which he speaks.
Softly he says “power is not as elusive as you think. Power is always within you. For your use, undenied. You may choose to use it to chase these falsehoods, but that brings more cycles.“He pauses again, waiting for this to sink in.
“Last time we talked of power, I reminded you that it is Source coming in. That the power is not something you created, but rather something you receive. Unconditionally.
See that word, unconditionally?
That word means you may use the Source power that comes in. You may use it any way you choose. Your use it undenied. Source bestows this power unto you, trusting that you will utilize it, implement it, send it forth, in the best way you know how.”
He smiles as he says “You may say that Source Surrenders this power unto you, entrusting it to you, and allowing you to manifest great things from the bounty which is gifted to you, from Source.”
He stops there to acknowledge the awe in these words. The power in these words expand outwards and upwards from my computer screen as I sit with Swami.
I am thinking “but now I am back to being afraid of my own power. Afraid to utilize the power. Afraid I’ll use it wrong, or not in the highest, most optimum way!”
Swami puts his hand up to calm me and to stop my fears. I feel a swirl of calming energy all around me. Gently he speaks:
“You see, this is not your power. Therefore, you have no need to fear expressing yourself through it.
“It is from Source. A gift.
“An unconditional gift.
“When you express yourself through this power, you are not being showy or over stepping your bounds. In fact, you are being responsible. You are graciously accepting the gift from Source.
“If you were embarrassed by it or flaunting it, Source would minimize what is given to you until you learned how to be more gracious and responsible. Like a wise parent slowing giving responsibility to their child.
“If you were squandering it or being miserly, Source would see that you have human conditions that need tending to. In this case, again, Source naturally reduces the energy and power gifted to you. Like a stream, Source provides what can be managed. Gently, honorably Source gifts only that which can be received fully and responsibly.
“So, as you grow and awaken, Source recognizes this. And this results in you receiving more energy, more power. Therefore, you can be assured that you will be gifted as much as, and only as much as you can manage. And, therefore, be assured that you may stand in this power and own it. Be responsible for it.
“And so…”. He brings us full circle to the beginning of this lesson:
“No jello heart.
“Devotion is being responsible for the power you are gifted.
“Love is being dedicated to expressing that power in the best way your unique signature knows how.
Swami pauses. He searches for the optimum words.
“Surrender is diving deep into your own truth. Trusting your Inner Knowing inexplicably.”
Pause. He surrenders into the efforts of the conversation. I feel him searching for more truths, more examples to share, other ways of expressing his message today. He smiles as I type what I am receiving.
“Lila, you want to share everything. Do you not?”
I reply: “yes, I honor your wisdom, and I want to share every detail of our interaction because each moment is sharp with knowledge.”
He pauses again. Finally, he brings the conversation to conclusion with a final message: “Tell them to relax. Enjoy the journey. Be. Accept graciously and express the gift responsibly.”
For some unexplainable reason, this brings me to tears.
I am so blessed. And I am so grateful.
As our session comes to an end, my mind wraps around the message of being ‘responsible’ for the Source power gifted to me. Swami sees the rabbit hole of logical analysis that I am going down. He stops me by asking:
“Do you think Source feeds you energy so that you can logically analyze how many gigawatts of power it contains?”
I’m perplexed because I was not thinking gigawatts of power.
He smiles because he caught my attention exactly as he had intended.
“Your analyzing through logic how you will utilize Source power is like determining its gigawatts of potential. How else will you know how much you receive?
“You see the lunacy in this?
“You cannot take the power of Source and number crunch it.
“Being responsible for it cannot be summarized down to the lowest common denominator. “Being responsible for it is not determined by the logic.
“Being responsible for it is from the heart.
“It is an expression from the heart.
“It is a serious expression of intention from the heart.” With this final expression of love, Swami departs.
Quoted conversation with Swami Amar Jyoti ends here.
I humbly submit this message to the internet to be recorded in humanity’s archives of time. Blessings to all who find this message and take time to energetically consume.
Swami Amar Jyoti is alive and well. Albeit in the Spirit Realm. Nonetheless, he is available to be called upon for guidance and assistance. Learn more about Swami and his lasting legacy at: