2022-04 New Moon Ceremony


Each New Moon, we set a new intention that we work with for the entire moon cycle.  This one was gifted to me from my Spirit Team. Every morning over the past few days, I would wake to a chant: “Me First. Me First. Me First.” They do have a sense of humor.

May you be inspired to align your own moon cycle intention with that of these ceremonies so this community may assist you every step of the way.


Many of you know that early March I was called back to Minnesota prematurely for a funeral in my immediate family. Most years, I choose to return early May when there is a distinct change in temperatures and the Earth has thawed. The prior two ceremonies took place at my home in Minnesota while I tended to family affairs.

Now, New Moon and New Location. I am back in my traveling routine, and this time I was called to Kentucky. Since arriving in this general vicinity about 5 days ago, I have been doing quite a bit of energy clearing as I moved about.

This particular location on the shore of Kentucky Lake was shown to me in a meditation. Energy clearing was needed prior to ceremony, like most places. However, I sense that this ceremony in this particular location assisted unbodied humans (“ghosts”) to see the Light, to realize they no longer want to be here on the Earth plane in their current state (of unfeeling), and then to cross over (via a special alter I had set up in another location for them). One never knows what generous impact we will have upon others when we open our hearts and joyfully allow our Light to shine.

Musical Meditation:

As usual, my Spirit assisted in creating a beautiful, spontaneous, and powerful musical interlude.  This ceremony, we are blessed with the gentle tones of the hand harp.  The adlib musical interlude on my hand harp allows participants to ponder what opportunities they might choose to work with this moon cycle with the new intention that was set. Become mesmerized by the waters, gaze into the ever-changing cloud formations, or watch the geese as they gracefully hold space for the ceremony. 

Change of Epochs:

During the discussion segment of this video, I explain the changes of the Epochs.  This event took place Winter Solstice, 2020.  See 12:00 minutes on this video to hear what I said about this.

And, many of you know that I wrote a series of blogs about what transpired during that timeframe. Here is a link to the first of that series:


New Moon Opportunities:

From experience, I know how easy it is to be very ambitious in the New Moon phase. Wanting to clear away old and spring-forth anew, we bring in many opportunities that we want to accomplish this moon cycle. Take it from someone who’s been there and done that. Choose only one or two.

It is exciting to look into the Divine Void and see the potentiality of what can become reality in a few short weeks.  I highly recommend that during this week, you take your time and choose one or two items that you intend to work on.  More than that and it can become too burdensome, too overwhelming.  Smaller steps end up making the biggest progress on our Spiritual path.  

Video Link:

Embedded video for your convenience.


Many blessings that this video assist you in the most optimal ways. May it fill your heart with joy and bring a deep peace as you look into that vast and amazing Void of Divine.

With loving intentions,



#NewMoon #moonceremony #moonceremonies #moonritual #ascension #awakening #spirituality #spiritualawakening #lila #peaceconsciousness #coalescence #coalesce #emeraldconsciousness #loveconsciousness #divinevoid #divineguidance #upshift #upliftment #awakenyoursoul #meditation #ancientritual #honoringEarth #EarthbasedReligion #Earthbasedworship #Earthbasedtradition #Earthbasedceremony #spiritualtradition #spiritualritual #celebratemoon #celebrateEarth #celebrateMotherEarth

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