Customized Ceremonies and Group Workshops

Lila LOVES doing ceremony!

Give Lila a topic and she will create a unique ceremony that exceeds your expectations leaving you with deep-felt, lasting memories.

2022-08 Full Moon in labyrinth

Carrying the Divine Mother energies of love and nurturing, Lila naturally creates and conducts ceremonies that are perfect for those participating.

In every ceremony, Lila builds a strong and supportive container for your unique topic and for those involved.

Powerful tools of celebration and transformation, Lila’s ceremonies are called life changing.

You have to experience it to believe it!

Ceremony Topics May Include:

  • Anniversaries of life events such as births, marriage, death
  • Blessings on the Farm — Spring planting, animal births, Summer bounty, Fall harvest, culling of the herd, etc.
  • Health and Wellness — blessing medicinals, herbs, and foods. This builds resonance with the signature energetics of those who will be utilizing their medicine for healing
  • Community gatherings, events, fairs, and celebrations
  • Celebrations of seasons, moons, and holidays

Please enquire about pricing as it will vary by duration, location, etc.  Request a call from Lila.

Group Workshops

Lila also loves sharing her wisdom about the fracturing of our souls and the exciting reunification of our soul. Working with her own Highest Presence and her Pure Light Support Team, Lila connects with the Highest Presence of all participating. In this way, Lila is assured she can assist each participant optimally. Lila digs right in and gives participants real, tangible guidelines on how they can work on their own soul’s aspects and essences. Through a combination of teachings, meditations, healings, and assessments each participant receives exactly what they need. And each participant actively works on their own ascension path.

Workshops can vary in length depending on topic, audience, venue, and so on.

  • 1-hour in length (minimum) Detailed content of topic that can be covered in the timeframe. 
  • 2-hour presentation – includes the materials covered in the 1-hour. Plus, additional content and a guided meditation to work with and solidify the lessons learned.  
  • 4-hour session – includes a deeper dive into the topic of discussion.  Plus 1 to 2 guided meditations, depending on the topic. These longer sessions allow the participants to interact, ask questions, and gain a more in-depth understanding of the materials covered. 
  • An all-day or 2-day event – allows multiple related topics to be covered in an in-depth manner. Plus, we utilize meditations, small group break-out sessions, question and answer sessions, and time for personal reflection to solidify and integrate the information. 


Have a venue? Here are places Lila can meet and share with a group: 

  • Yoga studios
  • metaphysical shops
  • gem stores
  • massage studios
  • alternative book stores
  • retreat centers
  • alternative medicine centers
  • Universal Churches
  • goddess circles
  • mystery schools


With Lila’s focus on the soul’s evolution, many new and exciting topics surface weekly as the energies of change are all around.

Lila approaches each topic with a humble, neutral look into the Divine way of things. Speaking frankly and matter-of-fact, Lila assures accuracy of the information. Having a trainer’s background, Lila is able to discuss a topic in common language so all in attendance understands. Lila also presents with an atmosphere of open sharing so that everyone feels comfortable asking for clarity when needed.

Here are some ideas of what Lila loves to dig into: 

  • Chakras; the role they play in our soul’s evolution, healing fractures, merging up to Soul-Star
  • Invisible Bodies; healing fractures, clearing blocks, merging into Light Body and Wisdom Body
  • Memoirs of an ancient Being; Lila shares memories of ancient past lives
  • Higher Essences; who they are, how to engage yours, how to assist them to integrate
  • Create clear energetic boundaries; benevolent energies IN and nefarious energies OUT
  • Ecstatic Energy Flow; how it was suppressed, activities to release inhibitions and heal your flow
  • Divine Mother; love, nurturing, healing, engaging life, and BEing all you can BE.
  • Mother Earth and the land spirits; Connecting more deeply, learning to listen, building mutual respect
  • Commune with the spirit of herb(s) to invoke their true and pure medicine

Do not see a Soul-Evolution topic you are looking to learn about? Reach out to Lila.

Thank you. We look forward to serving you, your venue, and your audience.

To brainstorm with Lila on your event, please  Request a call from Lila.