Private Sessions with Lila

“I look forward to working privately with you. We have so much we can do together in these sessions, and I’m excited to get started!”


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Lila’s Current Schedule for Private Sessions

In Person:

Tuesdays – 10am to 7pm Central Time (USA)

Rising Phoenix Yoga & Bodywork . . . 28 Central Ave, Buffalo, Minnesota

Questions about other services offered at Rising Phoenix? Please call Amy: 612 200 3047

Remote via Zoom:

Wednesdays – 9am to 6pm Central Time (USA)

Thursdays – 11am to 8pm Central Time (USA)

Other – Other dates/times are available. Please do not hesitate to ask!

Book a Session:


Call Lila: 612 … 325 … 3740

Email Lila: Lila at crystal weavers . com

Fill out a contact form: Requesting a call from Lila.


Lila at your service. Image is Lila sitting on the shore of Lake Michigan while on her Great Lakes Tour honoring Goddess Great Waters, Sept 2022.

“I know getting started can be a hurdle.

I offer a variety of introductory sessions to choose from. This gives you an opportunity to get to know me while easing into my unique skills.”


Intro – Levels of Consciousness

Curious about the levels of consciousness that Lila talks about? Curious where you are on your ascension path? Do you have personal questions about you or people in general that you would like answered before taking a deeper dive into awakening your Inner Goddex (described below)?

This 30-minute session is exactly for you. Lila will share with you greater detail about each level of consciousness, and she will answer all your questions. If Divine guidance is called for, she will connect with her Oversoul and yours to gain insight specific to you and your current state of Being.

Come get your questions answered and receive a gift: a mini-reading of your level of consciousness tied to your mental body, emotional body, and energy body. This is a sampling of the EARA system (described below).

Session Duration:       30-45 minutes

Session Fee:                $30

Intro – Disease Mitigation via EMS

EMS => Emotional body + Mental Body = Self, Physical Body

Our physical vessel is a manifestation of our emotions + thoughts. This weaves a person’s unique inner energetic web that some call ‘energy signature’.

Through healing our thoughts and emotions, we heal our physical body of illness.  When in a chronic illness, healing our related thoughts and emotions will place that chronic illness into remission.  

Using proven scientific research, Lila shows you how your embedded emotions manifest as illness in your physical body.  

During your introductory session, Lila does a great deal of listening with all her innate gifts. With the books of research and through Divine guidance from her Oversoul and yours, Lila will share deep wisdom about your illness; its true cause and steps you may choose to take for disease mitigation.

Consider this a fact-finding session. From here, you may choose to continue working with Lila and the Disease Mitigation via EMS service listed below.

Note: Lila is an energy-adept practitioner with intention of enhancing treatments a person already receives from other professional services. Never will she recommend that a person stop following advice of licensed professionals nor will she recommend ceasing medications prescribed by those professionals.

Session Duration:       30-45 minutes

Session Fee:                $30

Intro – Energetic Blessing 

Come in and have private conversation with Lila.  Learn which of her services best fit you, and Lila will learn your personal cosmology.  Next, she utilizes tools aligned with your comfort-level and offers an energetic clearing of your auric field that cleans out other people’s energy.  At session’s end, Lila provides an energetic blessing that will super-charge you.  Come meet Lila and receive an energy boost as a ‘Thank you’.  

Session Duration:       30-45 minutes

Session Fee:                $30


For those ready for a deeper dive,

Lila is ready to work with you!

Transform – Awaken Your Inner Goddex

We each carry a Goddex™ level of consciousness which is non-gender, non-binary in nature thus Lila spells it with ‘ex’ rather than ‘ess’. Your Goddex is highly attuned to your heart’s desires, your Divine path, and your purpose.  When we awaken your Inner Goddex, you gain clarity, confidence, and a sense of purpose. You find joy in little things and find yourself smiling for no reason.  Activating your Inner Goddex in turn activates all your levels of consciousness from wherever you currently are all the way up to your Goddex Consciousness. 

During this session, you may sit or lie down.  All will transpire via Divine guidance specific to you and your Inner Goddex.  You will remain fully clothed, and, if in-person, Lila may touch head, hands, feet, back, and/or heart.  To activate your Inner Goddex, Lila will work with either her crystal bowl or metal bowl to gradually and gently raise the vibration of our space to the level that matches your Inner Goddex. You may feel sensations of vibrational resonance such as buzzing, swirling, or tingling.  You may get extremely hot or cold.

Lila may tone or speak a personalized invocation specific to activating your Inner Goddex. Once the awakening takes place, Lila will bring the musical portion of our session to completion.  Next, Lila will assist you to integrate all levels of your consciousness by anchoring you back into your physical body.  While doing so, Lila may need to clear blocks that are inhibiting the integration process.

Finally, Lila will share with you any Divine guidance she received, and provide time for you to ask questions and share your experience as well.  Prior to ending our session, Lila will provide you with a few tips on how to further integrate this newly awakened level of your Being.  

Session Duration:       1.5 hours

Session Fee:                $149

Transform – Nurture Your Inner Goddex

We each carry a Goddex™ level of consciousness which is non-gender, non-binary in nature thus Lila spells it with ‘ex’ rather than ‘ess’. Your Goddex is highly attuned to your heart’s desires, your Divine path, and your purpose.  After we have activated your Inner Goddex (in a prior session), it is beneficial to keep your relationship healthy and your connections sound.  Additionally, the Nurturing session can assist you in finetuning your communication with this essence of you, build your confidence, and keep you aligned with your Divine path. 

During this session, you may sit or lie down.  Portions will require you to stand if you are able.  All will transpire via Divine guidance specific to you and your Inner Goddex.  You will remain fully clothed, and, if in-person, Lila may touch head, hands, feet, back, and/or heart.  

This session has two phases. In the first phase, we start by sinking into our heart in deep gratitude for all you are.  Next, we speak to your Inner Goddex to learn if there are any messages for you, any requests of you, etc.  We ask your Inner Goddex for guidance on how you can communicate clearly.  

We allow the session to take its own course for a while. This may lead to music, clearing work, more sharing of wisdom, and so on.  The second phase of this session is a guided meditation that anchors you, moves your vital life source energy, and builds your vitality.  All of this is very nurturing to your Inner Goddex.  At the close of this session, you will have anchored your Goddex into your presence.  Empowered to be your sovereign authority, you will depart and gracefully immerse into the Divine flow of daily life.

Session Duration:       1.5 hours

Session Fee:                $149

Transform – Evolutionary Ascension Reading & Assessment “EARA”

This system is available now. And it is currently in development. Divinely guided by her Oversoul, Lila continues to add deeper, more robust assessments to this system. Enquire now for more details.

The “Evolutionary Ascension Reading & Assessment” ™ (“EARA”) is an evaluation tool that provides a quantifiable assessment of your current state of ascension; where you are upon your ascension path.  Additionally, if you choose to receive further guidance, Lila provides recommendations on how to move to the next level.

In this world, humans have 8 levels of consciousness.  In this lifetime, you have opportunity to master all levels of your consciousness. Striving to live from your Inner Goddex level of consciousness allows you to tie all other levels together. Once that is achieved, then the Androgyne level of consciousness is just a short step farther. You know you have mastered them when your EARA chart shows that all of your systems are living from your Androgyne Consciousness which is the highest level attainable in this physical form.

Your mastery of the 8 levels of consciousness in this lifetime means that you have resolved all karmic issues, released all shadow, lovingly and unconditionally accept the All That Is, and live daily in the expanded state of Androgyne Consciousness. 

In this information-packed session, Lila describes each of these 8-levels, how life is perceived through the lens of each level, what has awakened within a person at each level, and a general state of being in each level.  Lila also shares key points necessary to fully understand how we navigate through these levels of consciousness.

Next, Lila works with her Oversoul and yours in an assessment that analyzes where you are on your evolutionary ascension path of these levels of consciousness. This results in a graphic representation for you to easily see and understand where you are along your ascension path. Finally, Lila receives Divine guidance on suggested steps you may choose to take to move yourself to the next level.  

Session Duration:       1 hour

Session Fee:                $125

Transform – Disease Mitigation via EMS

EMS = Emotional body + Mental Body = Self, Physical Body

Our physical vessel is a manifestation of our emotions + thoughts.

Emotions go deeper than what you are feeling in the moment. Science has now proven that past emotions (and traumas) are held in our physical body until they are acknowledged and released. If they go unattended, they become dis-ease.  Initially they will show up as minor illnesses.  Warnings. If continually unattended or ignored, they become a chronic disease.  

In session, Lila reads your true deep-down thoughts and emotions, and she tells it like it is.  Compassionate and empathetic, she is straight forward with no sugar coating.  Lila explains: “You are way too important to mess around with niceties or ambiguities.”

In a relaxing and comfortable environment, Lila shares her reading with you. This combined with reference books, Lila will encourage you to see the deep-seated issues that are causing your illness so that they can be addressed.  Utilizing a variety of modalities (some are listed in the following sections), Lila will do energetic work to assist you in making huge shifts in perspective which ultimately shifts the deep-seated emotions and thoughts.

Through healing our thoughts and emotions, we heal our physical body of the related illness.  When in a chronic illness, healing our related thoughts and emotions will place that chronic illness into remission.

Note: Lila is an energy-adept practitioner with intention of enhancing treatments a person already receives from other professional services. Never will she recommend that a person stop following advice of licensed professionals nor will she recommend ceasing medications prescribed by those professionals.

Session Duration: 1 hour

Session Fee: $125

Transform – Earthly Shamanic Healing

For Lila “Shamanic” means working with Earth’s energy in its purest form. Trained in various traditional Shamanic healing practices, Lila combines this with her Earth Goddex Lineage gifts and abilities. This results in Lila utilizing traditional shamanic tools while following her own guidance on the ways of Earthly healing. From feathers to crystals, from journeys to meditations, from skin drum to toning specifically to your energetic resonance, Lila can assist you in healing from the Earth.

Lila will customize the healing to you and your specific situation. To give you an idea of options, here are a few sample services:

  • Journey to call in the perfect ally to assist you with an ongoing issue
  • Crystal bowl and toning to assist you in shifting perspective — forgiveness, new awareness, etc.
  • ‘Skeleton Dance’ exercise to break up an old pattern
  • Metal bowl meditation to psychically retrieve the information you are seeking
  • Journey to unleash you from a persistent voice, energy, or emotional weight

Session Duration: 1 hour

Session Fee: $125

Note: based on what is uncovered during these sessions, duration may need to be extended or follow up sessions may be necessary.


Clearing Your Energy Field




Clearing Your Chakras

Feeling like someone else’s energy is smeared all over you? Or perhaps you work in an energetically heavy workplace? Or you have friends/relatives who like to dump their emotional baggage upon you? Or you are at an event with lots of energies going every which way?

Like a fine-tuned vehicle, clear chakras are critical to your health and wellbeing — physically, emotionally, mentally, and psychically. With clear and well-working chakras, you will be ready to meet any challenge in your highest form.

Consider learning from Lila how to clear your own Chakras. Or ask her to show you her personal daily routine that includes Chakra Clearing. (these options each take about an hour, fees apply.)

And, perhaps you may consider a longer session so Lila can assist you in learning tools to build your resilience to life’s many gifts (umm, yeah…. challenges)

Sep 2022, Full Moon Ceremony on Lake Ontario, New York, USA