Private Sessions with Lila

Gifted with the ancient wisdom that illuminates the evolution of a soul’s ascension path,

Lila is dedicated to her life work:  SOUL EVOLUTION MODALITY

Lila offers private sessions designed to assist every person, no matter where they are upon their ascension path. The Soul Evolution Modality engages a person’s soul with compassion. 

Unsure where to start?  

The 1 – Soul Status Assessment can give you a good look at your current evolution status.  

Want to get a taste for Lila’s work with minimal investment?  Then the 8 – Human Essence Zoom Workshop is for you.  

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Lila’s Current Schedule for Private Sessions

Remote via Zoom:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday – 9am to 5pm Central Time (USA)

Thursday – 11am to 8pm Central Time (USA)

Other – Other dates/times are available. Please do not hesitate to ask!

Book a Session:

There are several ways to book with Lila.

Click this ‘SHOP’ button to be taken to the products page where you can purchase the service via Credit Card. Upon purchasing, Lila will reach out to you to schedule.

Or speak to Lila and pay with Venmo, check, or PayPal, reach out via any of these options:

Call or Text Lila: 612 … 325 … 3740

Email Lila: Lila at crystal weavers . com

Fill out a contact form: Requesting a call from Lila.

Soul-Evolution Assessments

In these sessions, Lila works with her Higher Presence, and the client’s Higher Self to gain knowledge about their soul’s current ascension status.  Upon completion of these sessions, Lila provides the client with a document that describes the current status of their Soul’s Evolution.

Two types of Assessments are available.

1 – Soul Status Assessment

1-hour session:  $125                         BOOK A SESSION

The Soul Status Assessment reveals the current wellness and state of Being for the client’s soul fragments such as elements, consciousness, chakras, physical systems, invisible bodies, and so on.  

This level of assessment provides the client with a solid understanding of the current status of their soul’s evolution.  This is a good baseline that will show clients their future progress. 

2 – Full Ethos Health Assessment

2-hour session:  $250                         BOOK A SESSION

The Full Ethos Health Assessment provides all the information of the Soul Status Assessment and a deeper dive into areas of potential concern. 

Lila works with her Spirit Essence and the client’s Highest Presence to uncover things like external blocks, past life traumas carried by a soul aspect, status of the Higher Essences, and more.  

Upon completion of the full assessment, the client has a solid understanding of areas that need work in order to continue on their soul’s evolutionary path.  


It is time to get to work. The ascension process is easier than you could ever imagine. Connect to your own Divine Flow and allow your soul’s evolution.

3 – Ceremony of Transmutation 

2-hour session:  $250                         BOOK A SESSION

Working with her Spirit Essence and the client’s Highest Presence, Lila taps into knowledge held at the soul level. Anything experienced by the human can be traced deep into one of the soul’s many fragments.   Starting with a mini-assessment that focuses on any area of client’s concern, Lila discovers root causes of illness, phobia, trauma, and so on.  In her gentle, compassionate style, Lila assists her client to understand the deeper issues attributing to experiences they are having.  

Next, Lila determines best steps to gain optimal results.  Perhaps a curse, hex, or vow needs to be unraveled or a contract brought to completion.  Perhaps a shadow held by a soul aspect needs to be put to sleep in order to heal the related trauma.  Whatever is required, Lila has years of experience and a powerful team of Pure Light Beings ready to assist.  

Upon resolving the cause, Lila conducts a Ceremony of Transmutation.  This focuses Pure Light energy upon the area of concern in a process of releasing and transmuting. As a result, the client’s soul fragment affected by the issue is then upshifted to their optimal Level of Awareness.  At the close of a session, Lila provides Divine guidance from the client’s Highest Presence on ways to optimally integrate the session’s healing.  

4 – Higher Essence Exploration

1-hour session:  $125                         BOOK A SESSION

There comes a time in a person’s soul evolution when they begin to comprehend that they are much more expansive than their physical form.  

They begin to sense other essences of themselves that reside in other areas of Earth: realms, dimensions, kingdoms, worlds, and so on.  

These Essences come into the human’s awareness; perhaps in meditation, prayer, dreamtime, and other times when the person is in a state of expanded consciousness.  This is an exciting time!  And, it can be a bit scary if the person is unprepared for these encounters.  

In the Higher Essence Exploration sessions, Lila works with her Spirit Essence and the client’s Highest Presence to explore the current state of the client’s Higher Essences.  A blend of teachings and compassionate assessment, Lila assists her clients in understanding themselves at this multi-dimensional level.  

Lila takes time to explain the finer details of who the Essences are, their state of health, any needs they currently have, and so on.  There is plenty of time allotted for clients to get questions answered so they leave the session comfortable with this new and expanded perception of all they are.  Upon completion of this session, the client has a blueprint of the current status of all 16 Higher Essences as well as any ‘next steps’ recommended by their Highest Presence. 

Note: Those who complete a Essence Exploration session are welcome to attend the private, twice-monthly Essence’ Zoom gatherings that Lila facilitates to assist participants in communing with their Higher Essences.  Enquire with Lila for details.

5 – Ceremony of Higher Essence Healing

2-hour session:  $250                         BOOK A SESSION

Depending on the experiences that a client’s essence has encountered, they may need assistance in healing.  

Lila works with her Spirit Essence and the client’s Highest Presence.  To narrow the session’s focus, Lila taps into the client’s Soul-Star and Universal Chakras to determine the essence (or multiple) who are seeking assistance.  

Through a combination of dousing and meditative journeying, Lila assesses the current state of health and wellbeing of the essence(s) of focus.  Lila discovers pertinent history of the essence and recommended steps to take during the session to promote healing.  

And, through sharing this with the client, they uncover residual affects this essence has had on the client’s life, health, and wellbeing (i.e. irrational fears or inhibitions; unexplainable memories or nightmares; fathom or real illness)  

Next, the Ceremony of Healing is conducted.  Guiding the client into a light meditative state, Lila then takes the recommended steps to address the issues of the essence(s).  Oftentimes, this takes the form of a Release-Transmutation process. Lila follows the Divine guidance of her Spirit Essence and that of the client to assure the Goddez essence(s) is healing optimally.  

Upon completion of the session, Lila answers any remaining questions the client might have.  Lila also provides the client with recommendations of integration from their Highest Presence. 


Beyond the assessments and ascension work, Lila offers a few additional services that might be just what your soul is seeking.

6 – Integration Assistance

30-minute session:  $60                        BOOK A SESSION

Lila understands that many of the sessions she provides can feel intense or surreal.  

Additionally, clients oftentimes explain they have no one to talk to about their post-session experiences of expanded awareness.  

Lila now offers sessions to assist clients during integration.

“The simple act of sharing can be so beneficial,” Lila explains. 

These short sessions are designed to assist clients with integration; perhaps receive answers to additional questions, assess the area of focus to confirm further upshiftment, gain additional insights from their Higher Self, and so on.

7 – Accelerated Ascension

Fee:  Enquire with Lila                        BOOK A SESSION

For those clients ready to accelerate their ascension, Lila offers a more intimate and integrated approach to the soul’s evolution process.

Beginning with the Full Ethos Health Assessment, Lila assists the client in building a roadmap for their own unique ascension. 

This service is customized to the client’s intentions and time availability. Meeting once or twice weekly, Lila assists the client to transmute and upshift soul fragments to essences and from essences up into their Spirit Essence State of BEing.  

At completion of this accelerated evolution, the client will be securely in their Spirit Essence state of Being.  

8 – Human Essence Zoom Workshops

This group workshop takes place every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm Central Time.

1-hour group session:  $23                 REGISTER FOR A SESSION

Though this is a group event via Zoom, it can also be somewhat personal in that these sessions provide you with personal soul evolution.

The Human Essence is a person from their cellular-level to their soul aspects, their chakras, invisible bodies, consciousness, and physical systems.

During these workshops, Lila assists clients in focusing loving intentions upon a specific area of their human essence, healing blocks, and transmuting that area up to its optimal wellness.

This IS the ascension path.  

In these monthly workshops, Lila shares the latest Divine guidance about the anatomy of our soul, our evolution process, and information about that night’s area of focus.

Lila quickly assesses each participant and privately provides this information via the Zoom chat function. In this way, participants know what their Highest Presence would like to focus on, and they can set intention based on that information.

We then proceed through a guided meditation and musical healing bath that allows participants to bring their attention upon that area of focus within themselves.  

While deep within their meditative process, Lila then conducts the Ceremony of Transmutation:  releasing negative programming held within that area of focus and transmuting that area to its highest possible wellness and vibrational frequency.  

As the workshop comes to an end, Lila provides a way for the participants to see what how that area of focus has upshifted.  In this way, participants can clearly see themselves move upon their soul’s evolutionary path of ascension.   

Lila has received testimonials that these 1-hour sessions are jam-packed and powerful.  

“I look forward to serving you in our next group workshop!”  Lila